Does WFH Work For Your Business?

Is WFH the perfect solution or does it have a negative impact on business? We recently ran a poll on LinkedIn (results detailed below) asking how feasible it is to work from home the majority of the time. We asked this as candidates in all the accounting areas/disciplines that we recruit for are constantly asking…

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Seven Years & Resisting The Itch

Happy Birthday to us On 31st July 2015 a new company was incorporated with Companies House.  That company was Curtis Recruitment Limited and seven years later, through good times and bad, highs and lows and a global pandemic for good measure, we are still here providing our loyal, and very much appreciated client base with…

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It’s Never Been a Better Time to be an Accountant

It's Never Been a Better Time to be an Accountant

Why are Accountants not applying for jobs within practice? For a number of years now there has been a severe shortage of experienced qualified accountants applying for jobs with accountancy firms (much bemoaned by us) and as a specialist practice recruiter, we accept that it is a highly competitive and often difficult market.  That said,…

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